Results for 'Paul Lachance Ofm'

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  1.  18
    Giles of Assisi: Mystic and Rebel.Pierre Brunette Ofm & Paul Lachance Ofm - 2006 - Franciscan Studies 64 (1):83-101.
  2.  23
    Cause or Effect? The Role of Prognostic Uncertainty in the Fear of Cancer Recurrence.Paul K. J. Han, Caitlin Gutheil, Rebecca N. Hutchinson & Jason A. LaChance - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundFear of cancer recurrence is an important cause of suffering for cancer survivors, and both empirical evidence and theoretical models suggest that prognostic uncertainty plays a causal role in its development. However, the relationship between prognostic uncertainty and FCR is incompletely understood.ObjectiveTo explore the relationship between prognostic uncertainty and FCR among patients with ovarian cancer.DesignA qualitative study was conducted utilizing individual in-depth interviews with a convenience sample of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer who had completed first-line treatment with surgery and/or (...)
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  3.  78
    Boethius on Human Freedom.Paul J. LaChance - 2004 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 78 (2):309-327.
    It is commonly asserted that Boethius defined free will as the judgment of the will or a rational choice. Accordingly, sin or evil is identified with ignorance or vice of the intellect, which prevents or distorts rational deliberation. However, Boethius adopted a more complex understanding of the self-motion of the soul and, consequently, articulated a more nuanced account of sin and the healing effects of Providence. Boethius treated human freedom as a complex including a natural motion, identified as the desire (...)
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  4.  47
    Reflection on Integration.Paul LaChance - 2011 - The Lonergan Review 3 (1):235-240.
  5.  26
    Plénitude et compossibilité.Catherine Wilson, Geneviève Lachance & Paul Rateau - 2016 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 163 (3):387.
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  6. Augustine and World Religions.Michael Barnes, Francis X. Clooney, Olivier Dufault, Paula Fredriksen, Franklin T. Harkins, Paul J. Lachance, Leo Lefebure, Reid Locklin, C. C. Pecknold & Aaron Stalnaker - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Despite Augustine's reputation as the father of Christian intolerance, one finds in his thought the surprising claim that within non-Christian writings there are 'some truths in regard even to the worship of the One God.' The essays here uncover provocative points of comparison and similarity between Christianity and other religions to further such an Augustinian dialogue.
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    Paul Lachance, O.F.M., The Spiritual Journey of the Blessed Angela of Foligno according to the Memorial of Frater A. (Studia Antoniana, 29.) Rome: Franciscan Pontifical University, 1984. Paper. Pp. ix, 416. $12.50. May be ordered from the author, Les Franciscains, 5750 Rosemont Blvd., Montreal, Que., Canada, H1T 2H2. [REVIEW]Donald Christopher Nugent - 1987 - Speculum 62 (2):509-510.
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  8. Reinhold Oswald Messmer OFM, Die zwei Grundbereiche der Metaphysik im wohlgeordneten Aufbau der Wissenschaften.Paul Lorenzen - 1963 - Philosophische Rundschau 11:140.
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    Structure and Tradition of Pierre de Jean Olieu's opuscula: Inner Experience and Devotional Writing.Antonio Montefusco - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:153-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:To Paul Lachance, ioculator Domini1. IntroductionWith the expression “inner experience” we refer to a complex linguistic and philosophical problem which is present even in the most recent theology. If, in general, this concept expresses the experience of something which is perceived by an individual in the absence of external stimulus or observable sensations, in Christian and mystical tradition it indicates more precisely the action and the transformation (...)
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  10.  16
    The third covenant: the transmission of consciousness in the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Berry, and Albert J. LaChance.Albert J. LaChance - 2014 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books. Edited by Rebecca LeChance Goodwin.
    The Third Covenant explores the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Berry, and Albert LaChance, revealing through the lens of spirituality, science, and ecology, their understanding of human origin and evolution. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, an early twentieth century geologist and priest, devoted his life as a scientist, clergyman, and mystic, to reuniting the artificial fracture between science and religion. Thomas Berry, a follower of Teilhard de Chardin and a highly respected cultural historian, furthered this reunification by repositioning (...)
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    Environmental Theology—A Review Discussion.Kevin W. Irwin - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (2):301-316.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ENVIRONMENTAL THEOLOGYA REVIEW DISCUSSION* KEVIN W. IRWIN The Catholic University ofAmerica Washington, D.C. l UST OVER a decade ago the Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess coined the term deep ecology to encapsulate his challenge that while others have dealt with short-term views of ure and ways of dealing with the ecological crisis,1 he urged a deeper probing of "why, how and where" educational systems, religious bodies, and societies themselves can (...)
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  12.  24
    De deux expressions utilisées par Platon en contexte réfutatif : ναντα λγειν et ντιλέγειν.Geneviève Lachance - 2018 - Hermes 146 (2):149-165.
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    La querelle des universaux : analyse comparative de l’Isagôgè et du Commentaire aux Catégories d’Aristote de Porphyre.Geneviève Lachance - 2011 - Ithaque 9:1-22.
    Le présent article propose une analyse comparative de l’Isagôgè et du Commentaire aux Catégories d’Aristote de Porphyre. Il s’agira de déterminer si le Commentaire aux Catégories d’Aristote permet de jeter quelque lumière sur le questionnaire porphyrien ou de trancher le débat qui a mené à la célèbre querelle des universaux.
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  14.  20
    Mad Mothers, Bad Mothers, and What a "Good" Mother Would Do: The Ethics of Ambivalence.Sarah LaChance Adams - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    When a mother kills her child, we call her a bad mother, but, as this book shows, even mothers who intend to do their children harm are not easily categorized as "mad" or "bad." Maternal love is a complex emotion rich with contradictory impulses and desires, and motherhood is a conflicted state in which women constantly renegotiate the needs mother and child, the self and the other. Applying care ethics philosophy and the work of Emmanuel Levinas, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Simone (...)
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  15.  42
    L’antilogicien ou l’ennemi de la philosophie véritable.Geneviève Lachance - 2017 - Elenchos 38 (1-2):45-59.
    One of Plato’s goal in the Phaedo is not only to define what philosophy is, but also to describe what ‘real’ or ‘authentic’ philosophy consists of. This description of ‘authentic’ philosophy reveals a tension. Indeed, if Socrates feels the need to speak of a genuine philosophy, is it not a sign that there is another type of philosophy, which is inauthentic and fake? If Plato emphasizes the legitimacy of some philosophers, is it not because he believes that there are others, (...)
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  16.  14
    On Aristotle's peri hermeneias 16a1–18: The case of an Anonymous Armenian commentary.Geneviève Lachance - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):866-885.
    The anonymous Armenian commentary was transmitted together with the Armenian translation of Aristotle's Peri Hermeneias. It was composed in the Hellenizing style and commonly associated with the figure of David the Invincible, a philosopher of the Neoplatonic School of Alexandria. This article presents a general structural analysis of the commentary followed by a comparative study and translation of its first chapter. It argues that the commentary was indeed written in the tradition of late antique Greek commentaries but was probably not (...)
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  17. Peace and the Family.Louis Lachance - 1946 - The Thomist 9:129.
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  18.  36
    Was Plato an Eristic according to Isocrates?Geneviève Lachance - 2020 - Apeiron 53 (1):81-96.
    The article examines the passages in Isocrates’ Corpus containing a description and a critique of a new type of sophistic called “eristic”. Based on the chronology of Isocrates’ discourses and the description he gave, the author shows that the majority of these passages could not have aimed at Plato as its sole or principal target. However, it should not be excluded that Isocrates’ criticism of eristics was directed against various members of the Socratic circle, a heterogeneous group in which Plato (...)
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  19.  64
    SNP ascertainment bias in population genetic analyses: Why it is important, and how to correct it.Joseph Lachance & Sarah A. Tishkoff - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (9):780-786.
    Whole genome sequencing and SNP genotyping arrays can paint strikingly different pictures of demographic history and natural selection. This is because genotyping arrays contain biased sets of pre‐ascertained SNPs. In this short review, we use comparisons between high‐coverage whole genome sequences of African hunter‐gatherers and data from genotyping arrays to highlight how SNP ascertainment bias distorts population genetic inferences. Sample sizes and the populations in which SNPs are discovered affect the characteristics of observed variants. We find that SNPs on genotyping (...)
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  20.  37
    Platonic Contrariety : Ancestor of the Aristotelian Notion of Contradiction ?Geneviève Lachance - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (2-3):143-156.
    The aim of the present paper is to analyse the archeology of the concept of contradiction, more precisely in Plato, and to reveal the influence that the latter had on Aristotle’s reflection on contradiction and contrariety. This paper will show that it is possible to find examples of a notion of contradiction in Plato’s refutative dialogues, in which Socrates is described as refuting his interlocutors by demonstrating the contrary of their initial thesis. However, Plato never used the word antiphasis to (...)
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  21.  3
    Philosophie de langage.Louis Lachance - 1943 - Montréal,: Les Éditions du Lévrier.
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  22. « Insurmontablement étranger au monde » : le Kleist de Gundolf. Note de lecture sur Friedrich GUNDOLF, Heinrich von Kleist.Nathalie Lachance - 2012 - PhaenEx 7 (2):287-295.
  23.  34
    A la Recherche de l'Etre. Par Manoel Joaquim De Carvalho Jr La Colombe, éditions du Vieux Colombier, Paris, 1961.Louis Lachance - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (1):105-106.
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  24.  84
    New Philosophies of Sex and Love: Thinking Through Desire.Sarah LaChance Adams, Christopher M. Davidson & Caroline R. Lundquist - 2016 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Our amorous and erotic experiences do not simply bring us pleasure; they shape our very identities, our ways of relating to ourselves, each other and our shared world. This volume reflects on some of our most prevalent assumptions relating to identity, the body, monogamy, libido, sexual identity, seduction, fidelity, orgasm, and more.The book covers common conflicts and confusions and includes work by established scholars and innovative new thinkers. Philosophically challenging but highly readable, the volume is ideal for a wide range (...)
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  25. The Philosophy of Language.Louis Lachance - 1942 - The Thomist 4 (4):547.
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  26.  52
    The Need of Philosophy in Hegel.Sarah LaChance Adams - 2007 - Southwest Philosophy Review 23 (1):89-96.
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  27.  62
    The Pregnancy ≠ Childbearing Project: A Phenomenology of Miscarriage by Jennifer Scuro.Sarah LaChance Adams - 2018 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 11 (2):171-174.
    In this important book, Jennifer Scuro's lived experience presents a challenge to common ideas and assumptions about motherhood, femininity, and anti-abortion politics, as well as to the familiar content and form of philosophy. It is centered on an intensely personal, 176-page graphic novel that details the vivid aspects of Scuro's own miscarriage. Her experience serves as a philosophical allegory, challenging neoliberal and ableist assumptions that presume normalcy, expect results, and promise the false freedom of choice. Initially fitting the script of (...)
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  28.  9
    L'éristique: définitions, caractérisations et historicité.Sylvain Delcomminette & Geneviève Lachance (eds.) - 2021 - Bruxelles: Ousia.
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  29.  27
    In vino veritas, in aqua lucrum: Farmland investment, environmental uncertainty, and groundwater access in California’s Cuyama Valley.Madeleine Fairbairn, Jim LaChance, Kathryn Teigen De Master & Loka Ashwood - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):285-299.
    This paper explores the relationship between farmland investment and environmental uncertainty. It examines how farmland investors seek to “render land investible” in spite of drought, groundwater depletion, and changing regulations. To do so, we analyze a single case study: the purchase of 8000 acres of dry rangeland in California’s Cuyama Valley by the Harvard University endowment for use in creating an irrigated vineyard. Drawing from interviews with Cuyama Valley farmers and community members, participant observation at community meetings, and public document (...)
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  30.  15
    The Effectiveness of Dance Therapy as an Adjunct to Rehabilitation of Adults With a Physical Disability.Bonnie Swaine, Frédérique Poncet, Brigitte Lachance, Chloé Proulx-Goulet, Vicky Bergeron, Élodie Brousse, Julie Lamoureux & Patricia McKinley - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  31.  10
    Le droit et les droits de l'homme.Louis Lachance - 1959 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
  32.  33
    (1 other version)On Isocrates’ dual use of the term “sophist”.Geneviève Lachance - forthcoming - Hermes, Zeitschrift Für Klassische Philologie.
    At first sight, Isocrates’ use of the term “sophist” may appear contradictory as it is associated with both a positive and a pejorative meaning. The article contends that Isocrates was not being unintentionally vague or imprecise as he deliberately used the term to refer to two disparaging groups of professional teachers or writers who, in his opinion, had nothing in common. Isocrates tended to privilege the positive meaning of the term over the negative one, considering the latter as a contemporary (...)
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  33.  9
    Rendre le monde de l’enfant disponible dans un monde connecté.Jocelyn Lachance - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 233 (3):99-115.
    En quelques années, les tic ont transformé le rapport aux expériences de séparation. Dans cet article, l’auteur montre cependant que la possibilité pour les parents de contacter leurs enfants grâce aux outils de communication ne suffit pas à expliquer leur désir de maintenir le lien malgré la distance. En resituant leurs usages dans le contexte de la modernité tardive, il explique que cette tendance peut être comprise comme l’expression de la « mise en disponibilité du monde » que le sociologue (...)
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  34.  12
    Avant-propos.Willemien Otten & Geneviève Lachance - 2013 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 104 (1):3-5.
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  35.  57
    Le langage de l'union mystique : le désir et le corps dans l'?uvre de Jean Scot Érigène et de Maître Eckhart.Willemien Otten & Geneviève Lachance - 2013 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 104 (1):121.
    Résumé L’article propose une analyse comparative de la pensée mystique de Jean Scot Érigène (810-877) et de Maître Eckhart (1260-1328). Nuançant les critiques contemporaines relatives au rôle joué par l’expérience dans le mysticisme médiéval, il défend la position selon laquelle il est préférable d’instaurer une comparaison sémantique détaillée de la pensée de ces deux auteurs plutôt que de diviser le mysticisme médiéval en fonction de l’influence mystique augustinienne ou dionysienne décelable chez chacun d’entre eux. L’auteure mène une telle analyse en (...)
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  36.  52
    La Pensée et l'Etre. Une épistémologie. Par Joseph de Vries. Nauwelaerts, Louvain. Béatrice-Nauwelaerts, Paris. 478 pages. [REVIEW]Louis Lachance - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (1):102-104.
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  37.  45
    The Child Anticipates: Review of Talia Welsh, The Child as Natural Phenomenologist: Primal and Primary Experience in Merleau-Ponty’s Psychology: Northwestern University Press, 2013, 167 pages, ISBN 978-0-8101-2880-4 $89.95/34.95. [REVIEW]Sarah LaChance Adams - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (4):1179-1183.
    A work that takes up development as its key theme must also inherently be a work about time. Typically, developmental psychology assumes an objective, linear progression of time that moves from the past and into the future in a rather orderly fashion. We move steadily along this line in a forward motion. However, as Talia Welsh demonstrates in The Child as Natural Phenomenologist, such an assumption will over-determine our understanding of childhood development. It too will be viewed as mostly linear (...)
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  38. Becoming with childi.Pregnancy as A. Provocation, To Authenticity & Sarah Lachance Adams - 2010 - In Adrian Mirvish & Adrian Van den Hoven, New perspectives on Sartre. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  39.  28
    Ignatius Charles Brady, OFM 1919-1990 An Appreciation: The Franciscan Institute November 16, 2004.Michael W. Blastic Ofm Conv - 2005 - Franciscan Studies 63 (1):2-10.
  40.  13
    Autisme et adolescence.Nathalie Poirier, Catherine Kozminski, Maëlle Adenot, Erika-Lyne Smith, Catherine Taieb-Lachance & Ariane Leroux-Boudreault - 2017 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Cet ouvrage est né d'une réalité et d'un besoin. La petite Maëlle, enfant autiste, est devenue adolescente, alors il fallait la suivre pour mieux l'accompagner dans cette nouvelle étape de sa vie. Comme cela arrive chez les autres enfants qui entrent dans l'adolescence, tout est remis en question : les idéaux, l'identité, l'amitié, l'amour. Entre-temps, il y a eu la publication de la cinquième version du Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux (DSM-5). Il fallait donc étudier cette entrée dans (...)
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  41.  24
    A Scotistic Foundation for Christian Spirituality.Kenan Osborne Ofm - 2006 - Franciscan Studies 64 (1):363-405.
  42. El nuevo radicalismo teológico el panorama cultural contemporáneo.Lluis Oviedo Torro Ofm - 2006 - Salmanticensis 53 (2):301-328.
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  43.  14
    Francis of Assisi Forerunner of Interreligious Dialogue: Chapter 16 of the Earlier Rule Revisited.Laurent Gallant Ofm - 2006 - Franciscan Studies 64 (1):53-82.
  44.  39
    Francis of Meyronnes' Sermon 57 on the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32).Robert J. Karris Ofm - 2005 - Franciscan Studies 63 (1):131-158.
  45.  24
    From the Perfetio Sancti Evangelii to the Sanctissima Vita et Paupertas : An Hypothesis on the Origin of the Privilegium Paupertatis to Clare and Her Sisters at San Damiano.Michael F. Cusato Ofm - 2006 - Franciscan Studies 64 (1):123-144.
  46.  24
    Giacomo della Marca's Sunday Sermon 52 on the Ineffable Mercy of God.Robert J. Karris Ofm - 2005 - Franciscan Studies 63 (1):443-460.
  47.  22
    Hendrik Herp: The Mirror of Perfection or Directory of Contemplatives.William J. Short Ofm - 2006 - Franciscan Studies 64 (1):407-433.
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    "More and Greater Things": Notes for Interpreting the Vows from the Perspective of the Evangelical Life.Joseph P. Chinnici Ofm - 2006 - Franciscan Studies 64 (1):507-537.
  49.  26
    Nova et Vetera: Things New and Old in St. Bonaventure's Commentary on the Gospel of St. John.Robert J. Karris Ofm - 2007 - Franciscan Studies 65 (1):121-136.
  50.  39
    Peter Olivi on the Early Christian Community (Acts 2:42-47 and 4:32-35): The Christian Way with Temporalities.Robert J. Karris Ofm & David Flood Ofm - 2007 - Franciscan Studies 65 (1):251-280.
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